- 05/10/2019
- Information for investors
Change in the type of investors in Portugal
Recently there has been a change in the mix of private foreign investors in Portugal.
If until recently it was the French who were the biggest group, today it is the Brazilians.
There have always been special relations between Portugal and its big sister, the former colony, Brazil.
Brazil with its 200 million inhabitants is the largest country in South America and Sao Paulo is the largest and most powerful economic center on the continent.
Until recently, Portugal was a destination for Brazilians from a relatively low socioeconomic status looking for a better economic future for themselves.
Today, due to an extremely problematic political-economic situation in Brazil, rich Brazilians immigrate to Portugal, study there or spend part of their time in Portugal or simply invest in it in light of the stagnation in Brazil.
We anticipate that the influx from Brazil will not only affect the real estate market but also the economy as a whole.
The brain drain together with the capital flight will have an impact beyond the immediate and obvious range and will stimulate the local economy.